Monday, June 21, 2010

Do not become “Road Kill”

By, Rodney Schlafer – Show Director, All-Canada Show - One of my favorite things about traveling in Canada is the chance to view some amazing wildlife. On numerous occasions I have seen moose, bear, whitetail deer and fox. On one trip I was pulled over on the side of the road getting a soda out of the cooler located in the back of the truck when a fox came running out of the bush to great me…I jumped in the back of the pick-up and closed the lid…it must of thought I was going to feed him…I did not take any chances.

And although wildlife is cool to see on the highway it can also prove to be deadly.
An adult moose can go over 1000 lbs. and hitting one with your car can cause some serious damage. I have never actually hit a moose or any animal for that matter with a car but I have had a few close calls. Here are some good tips on how to stay safe on the highway. The number one way is to SLOW DOWN.

The following information was provided by Brad Greaves owner of Ignace Outposts – Ignace Ontario.